We are on a journey. We have been on this journey now for two years. The journey to build Osekita Academy - a legacy, giving back to the community. It has been a pipe dream for a while but it all came rushing back after an interview with EKTV.
The dilemma, where to build the school. The land was still farm land with no discernable roads. So.... lets use our inheritance - the hostel as temporary site. A year later the rains came and took most of the roof off, leaving the building rain damaged. So we had just two options renovate extensively or build comprehensively. It was a better location, village location neighbouring a University, close to the road and why not?
The pictures below depict the beginning of the journey. We have laid the decking for 8 classrooms, a nursery and a Library. These will be ready to move into by June 2019.
The fence and gates will be installed this week and the windows, doors, electrical piping and burglary proofs will be commissioned before the end of January for completion in February.
In my next blog, I will share some of the architects drawings as well as the surface of the massive decked area.
#classrooms #extensive renovation#school#funding#village#