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From derelict building to international school...part 3

Founders' diary

So the Pandemic is over and everywhere is open. In fact that is old news! So where are we at? The school is progressing well but as usual it is short of funds. We will have to increase parental contributions for the school to run unaided unless we receive funding.

This is where we were with the building - 16 well equipped learning rooms by the end of 2021. Over the year 2022, we were able to take the building up to the next and final level, put a roof on it and render it with plaster.

We are nearly there. The building is nearly completed even though it is not yet habitable. It needs wiring for electrics, a ceiling and a proper floor finish. The plan is to tile the floors both upstairs and downstairs. The last quote was about £8000 so that will have to wait for now. The railings need to be mounted to make it safe and then the toilets and other fittings need to be put in place. Then the whole school is repainted and we are good to go. This will take us to 32 learning rooms - space for up to 600 children. Currently we have the capacity for 250 children with 150 children on roll. This is projected to reach 200-250 on roll by 2024.

Our secondary section. We have 8 students who will be completing secondary education this year. Three of them are girls who had tuned off education. They are a success story.

Some of the noise from Sports Day. Each house gave a march past parade.

Does anyone know where I can secure funding externally or within Nigeria? If you do, please call me on 07961342918. If you wish to support our work, please visit our gofundme page on to make a donation. This helps us to continue to provide 75% scholarship fund to as many students as need it. Scholarship is one of our core values. We are currently offering this all 150 students on our roll. Are we sociopreneurs?

Secondly we have to repair the three vehicles ready for September. It is sad that having repaired the bodywork and branded them 6 months ago, we have to do this again due to poor roads etc. We are currently trying to crowd fundraise for buses. Do you know someone in Nigeria who can help please connect me with them.

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